Forsythe P. Jones

Grease prepared me for regularly seeing 30 year olds playing high school students.

An excellent douche-bro pic.

I suggest the following

Igby Goes Down

See my previous comment -

They did refuse, but as I said before, a ground invasion would have forced them to surrender.

I guess you’re ok with the obliteration of upwards of 250,000 people in a matter of minutes. That’s fine. We need more hawks like you out there.

Thank you for saying this. "Random" used this way makes me want to rip off the face of the speaker.

This bear was THOUGHTFUL. He didn't eat the strawberry rhubarb because that would be RUDE. Everyone knows strawberry rhubarb is the best pie.

Counterpoint: My vasectomy was painless.

Dan Castellaneta?

Much of that seems to be processed foods. With GMOs. So it’s probably (David Caruso pause), Toxic.

Did I just watch some people push-start a f*cking shark?

Or just stick with the classics.

No matter what comes out of this documentary, and however many posts io9 does about it, I will never be convinced that Nic Cage would have been a good Superman. I mean, that face. He just doesn’t look the part.

Yes, let’s all feel bad for the nobles. They have it so hard.

I found another leaked screenshot.

Alright, I’ve been trying to figure out what is about this guy that bugs me ever since this picture was posted. I think I’ve finally put my finger on it: