Forsythe P. Jones

Worth it, yeah. Parts of it will stay with you. Avoid Korine’s other shit, though.

Dude ‘sploded!

So, in essence, you login, then look at what’s been stored. Ah, ok.

On any network? Jeepers—-

It’s “cap’n” Brit. Jesus and the mother of CHRIST

It’s hard to have sex to completion when you’re crying the whole time. So, sorry, JLaw, no baby for you.

You know what protects against gum disease and tooth decay? Regular brushing and flossing. Just a tip, Gov. Though I do understand you probably don’t have a lot of room to fit a brush, considering the Bros Koch have their dick in there.

I love hearing that. “You can sleep over, but we’re not going to have sex” always means “OK, we’re totally going to fuck, but I want you to think I do it on the first date.”

It’s a fucking joke about a blow job. Nothing to get irritated over. I know in this enlightened age, when sex is no longer sex, but something that has to be agreed upon by a committee of liberal over-seers. Once approved, then maybe nominally enjoyed, but only as one would enjoy a fine, GMO and pesticide free,

Yeah, I suppose someone who is a “blow job connoisseur” wouldn’t pick up on subtleties.


Fuck all of you who want to disrupt my commute with your loud, obnoxious singing and bible shit.

Step one: open mouth

The first book, Atticus Finch is a champion of racial justice, the second, he’s a super racist... the third? He’s a man from Mars?

For the record, he was Lebanese/Syrian who grew up in Egypt.

There we go

Perfect - an Irishman joining two middle aged women descending into alcoholism.

I love the “dismiss” feature. I’ll let you read this before I use it.

Florida and the fly-over states hang their heads in mourning.

Great stuff!