
Taking out the n-word from Huck Finn is just one change to one word. What’s the big deal?

Changing the ending of Animal Farm to make all the animals sing together in their wonderful equality and live happily ever after is just one little change.

Context matters, etc.

Oh, but otherwise it’s a slippery slope. Think of

CCP made two VR games. Valkyrie is free-flight, Gunjack is the turret shooter.

Why would you want to burden him with one of those? Don't you think he deserves to have a good time while riding after his years of service?

I assure you, Rays fans- like their brethren along the eastern seaboard- have most certainly not enjoyed the Bautista regime.

That’s the plot of Batman.

Careful there bud. Why it is worse for men to hit women creates serious cognitive dissonance around Jezebel/Deadspin.

There are no keys. Blizzard just activates your account to be able to access the beta. (Which makes it obvious when someone is trying to pull a scam by claiming to have keys).

Gary Kubiak’s idea is to cut up pieces of Peyton Manning’s corpse, plant them in the ground and hope some new QBs grow.

isn’t this illegal?

I'm guessing if they can't find him he was probably an eligible lineman.

I’ve done something similar before.

Isn’t compulsory to go to school or be homeschooled?

+1 6 pack of wine coolers


This is such bullshit.

According to sources, Charles Barkley will be providing the voice.

That pun was terrifica.

and while I’m embargoed from talking in too much detail about the car or how it drives just yet, I can tell you how much it’ll cost: between $28,595 and $42,495.

F-you I wont do what you tell me!

Man come on don’t go PC on me.

Mason’s agent quickly put out a press release, extolling his client’s being “hard to bring to the ground.”