
I like how you still don’t really have a valid response to what I wrote. Instead of actually countering a point about motorcycle elitism and inclusion, you post a “butt hurt” image. You pretty much prove my point of elitism and lack of tolerance for diversity.

I weep for your lack or reading comprehension skills.

Serious? If so, then Who the hell are you to tell me how to spend my hard earned money? A miata is not the same as a GW trike or my Spyder. The ride isn’t the same. The exposure isn’t the same. As one of those few that would kill to ride a two wheeler and can’t because of medical issues, the

Ahh that’s right. TY!

I thought this was an on-rails game, or at least I thought I read that at some point. Is it on-rails or free-flight?

*golf clap

Welp, I threw up my lunch. Good for them I guess. Love is thankfully blind and sometimes deaf and mute as well.

Can I have just a 1/4 of the drugs you are on? :-)

Good article with a great list. Civ 4 > Civ 5 though (at least for me). 5 is pretty good though once they finally added everything that was in 4. I even enjoy the religion part of 5.

Same boat. I refuse to buy it in hopes that I’ll like it. I need an open beta or demo. Even then, it’s doubtful I’ll give up TF2.

especially since the new Volt does ~60mi on a charge

Holy cow I love articles like this. Every detail is greedily gobbled up by my brain. It’s so awesome to be able to read about events like these from the people involved.

My life is complete. I have seen the greatest thing ever lol

I am picking this up. His skin choices are pretty lackluster for sure. So, I’m excited to have something so neat as I enjoy playing him in QM games. The “net” effect for the globe is an awesome touch.

HotS Quick Match play is very much for casuals. Very little, if ever, trash talking. Perhaps there is some in ranked play if you’re terrible, but I don’t do ranked. HotS is the reason I play this genre. It’s just the only MOBA I’m into.

Poutine wasn’t tried as a cure? Color me shocked. You’re slipping, Canada!

And seemingly issues with every major patch :-) Oh the days of getting a big patch in WoW and not being able to play for day only to come back and see all my addons were also borked. Fond memories :-)

First you need to fix all those biased tests if you plan on that happening, chief.

I remember another case where several athletes that played lacrosse were crucified in the court of public opinion. Commenters on sites such as this one would have tarred/feathered and castrated them if given the chance. :-)

Oh, he’s clearly never had a scholastic-based scholarship so it might be news to him how testing is completely skewed to race and sex.