
Sports = Rape Culture? Got it. I’ll be sure to let the field hockey players, cheerleaders, rowing teams, badminton teams, track athletes and golf players all know they are “propagating rape culture.” I suppose women getting full rides based on athletics are also rapists as well based on your sub-par rationale.

I’m curious about that too. It seems in situations like this, it’s okay to convict somebody without due process.

I’m curious about, “Jennifer [Lawrence] doesn’t take any of it on. She’s Teflon. And I am not Teflon. But I also don’t like to see other people treated badly…It’s not OK with me.” Is that subtle shade at Lawrence? It’s almost like she’s implying that Lawrence didn’t really give a crap that other people were treated

Spike Lee? He keeps getting to direct but by all accounts can be quite the prick.

Now now :-) Don’t go bringing up logic and facts into a political discussion. Where does that get us? I mean, that evil bill (which was multi-faceted), directly put people into prison. It forced people to buy and sell drugs. It forced people to carry/sell/steal guns and commit crime. It’s not like if people didn’t do

It looks like you didn’t read and fully understand the article. Try reading it again and applying some reading comprehension skills you were taught growing up—assuming you weren’t raised by feral animals.