
Saab Sonnett. V4. 30-35 mpg.

Can you provide proof that he did, in fact, rape anyone?

Okay I don’t like Hillary, but it sounds like this woman was not asking about anything but insisting that Hillary answer questions and then talking over Hillary when she tried to answer.

I find it somewhat amusing that the front page is running an article chidingly referring to Clinton as “lightweight hostile” in a “not-quite-confrontation” with a black voter directly above the headline:

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?

Looking for something that isn’t really there...

I am not taking Hillary’s side here AT ALL, but to be fair to both, we can’t hear at all how this conversation started. The first thing I can hear either saying is bits of pieces of Hillary saying she was happy to meet with Abdi Warsame and then Hillary’s “You know what, dear, we have a difference of opinion...Well,

“a man who appears to be a Clinton campaign aide tries to usher her away. “We gotta give somebody else a chance”” mean MN Governor Mark Dayton.