Formica Dinette

Sorry (not really), but this is a stupid risk to take, even with the vaccine. We literally just had two staff members do something similar. They have Pfizer, went out to a public place with no mask to mingle with a bunch of strangers, got infected, convinced themselves it couldn’t possibly be COVID, and then infected

Kinja’s not any better. There’s no mechanism to report or block followers, and my attempts to get admins to clear out the garbage went nowhere. I’m fortunate that it’s just spam in my follows and not harassment, but it could easily be the latter and there would be no recourse.

This is just from two days, so you have evidence on just what a problem it ACTUALLY is.

Didn’t they also make her wait for her food which was a huge factor in her hysteria? All because they had to make it fresh

Or the one who was literally crying about how she had to pay for her own McDonald’s meal.

Police - “If you defund us, whose going to protect you?!?’

The judgements when he wins should come right out of union funds. 

And of course just saying “these are a few bad apples” misses the entire point of the parable. “A few bad apples spoil the bunch.” Which means you have to get rid of the bad apples. If you don’t, it turns all the good apples bad.

They want you to believe it’s only a few bad apples but their actions continue to show there’s really only a few good apples, and apparently very few at that.

Good for him. I hope he wins.

Cops are the biggest fucking snowflakes in the world. This is just like all those cops who claimed to OD on fentanyl from touching some - which is impossible, and it was all the placebo effect. Fucking babies. 

“is just showing the right wing nutcases that the left wing really does want to control all aspects of their life.”

You ever notice right wing nut job never worry about putting people off from their nut job ideas because they’re too busy exploiting the flaws in the system so they can remain in power perpetually and push through all their right wing nut job ideas despite being them all being widely unpopular?

which emphasize personal opinions

You’ll love this!

Nice straw man you have there. Does it have a pet name?

Those all sound like great ideas actually.

I’ve never understood the practical appeal of mansions. Big houses? Sure. It’s nice to have room, especially when you’re quarantining during a pandemic. Maybe you’re the patriarch of a big family and like the idea of everyone living under one roof. But mansions? I’m lazy. I don’t want to walk that far.

My mother (now 87) had a postman that would come in the house and check on her if he hadn’t seen her (sitting on her front porch) in awhile. It sounds creepy but we loved him like family.

As Dr. Shereene Idris on YouTube says the skin from your face to “your tatas” is a unit and should be treated as such!