Formica Dinette

Beauty pageants are leftovers from when women were viewed as chattel (something the GQP wants to get back to). I’d be fine if they disappeared from the planet.

Same here, except I am washing those items to remove whatever the last person to handle it left on there, not so much the pesticides etc. People are gross, so a decent scrub and rinse is always required.


One of our previous cats loved horror. She’d sit on the couch with us and watch an entire movie. If there was a dark scene or the tension music played her ears would be up and she’d get really focused. She would jump at jump scares.

Right there with you. It sucks.

In a way.

One of mine can howl for hours when she wants to be fed. Asta is part Siamese so its even worse than normal cat meows. She used to be feral, but has totally embraced the housecat life of sleeping on cushions, howling for attention, and demanding we give her some of whatever we’re having for dinner.

I truly believe that if Percy was large enough to consume me, he would. Gleefully.

Oh, you gullible fool!

It just feels like we are undercutting the confidence in vaccines with the constant testing and quarantining. Which I know is much more complex than that, and that complexity has a lot of layers. Going through this with going back into our offices and we are scrambling to make sure we have testing and quarantining

Does anyone else find this “trying to maintain normalcy” exhausting? Everyone at that table is vaccinated and getting tested and yet we have what feels like a frantic interruption.

Seems that final line is calling Grimes a prostitute, and not in a “sex work is work” kind of way. I’m trying to think in what way that sentiment would be out of place on an MRA forum, and am coming up empty.

Oh yeah but I don’t say why. “I don’t feel well” is reason enough not to go to work. I am fortunate that it acceptable both in my workplace and in that I’ve managed to be the kind of reliable employee that no one ever suspects me of misusing sick leave. And I have totally used sick leave for mental health days despite

Oh my God I had an asshole sit in my boss’s office literally all fucking day. He’d sit in on every meeting even though it had nothing to do with him. Worse, he would never knock! So if a meeting started and the door closed, he’d just walk in if he wasn't invited.

I can verify this as a fact. Now that the “office bros” can’t sit in a circle jerk with their male bosses all day for “face time”, I have noticed that women and POC are receiving a lot more praise and appreciation for their work. Turns out, when you are just evaluated purely on your work, the people (ie women and

I have worked remotely for over 14 years and have had a few jobs where if I had had to interact with some of my coworkers in person, there might have been bloodshed (a “macro-aggression” if you will). I suspect as the pandemic drags on the companies will realize they are MORE productive with their employees working

I was going to reinstall Hearthstone and buy the new expansion, but this shit turns me off.

This isnt really about hurting Activision’s public image. Its Activision being forced to account for illegal behavior. I’m sure they will survive and keep making games that people will buy. Hopefully the internal culture of the company will improve for women and everyone. 

You’re thinking of Bing Cosby from Cosby Stahls and Natch.

I just read through the whole complaint. Damn, it’s even worse than this article makes it out to be. What’s really telling is that the top brass were repeatedly informed about the problems - the DFEH tried to resolve this without litigation and Activision had multiple companies do audits over workplace discrimination