Formica Dinette

I loathe Kroger, but I love QFC curbside pick up. I’ve been doing that for about eight months and the staff always know what to sub and what to omit. I’ve tried Safeway a few times, but they do things like sub salami for pepperoni.

I have no reason not to trust you, but all I can think about is Sarah Gailey’s ACV dude story.

I’ll eat both straight out of the can, but I don’t find mussels very often, and when I do, they’re the fancy, eight-dollars-a-can variety.

I’d give it a try. When I make taco pizza at home I add chopped butter lettuce after it comes out of the oven, and one of the local chains in my area does prosciutto and mozzarella with cold arugula.

I’m with you on the Brussels. I’ve only seen strawberry Veronas, but now I’m desperate to try the blueberry version.

This piece was not at all what I thought it was going to be. Thank you.

One of my siblings has always loved ketchup, so yeah, I just bought them a pair of Heinz socks.

I was told I was a summer, but whenever I’ve had my makeup done, they want to use warm pinks and browns. And my dark blonde hair has some very subtle red in the right light.

Agreed. My parents have been together longer than Dolly and Carl and that’s exactly the kind of thing my mom would say. In fact, I’m sure she’s said something similar recently—because the pandemic means they’re at home together pretty much 24/7. But they still love each other and want to be married to each other.

The company I work for has been WFH since early in the pandemic and will continue to be indefinitely. However, they did a survey asking people’s post-pandemic preferences, and more than 50% of respondents said they wanted to work in the office 2-3 days a week. I’m never going back!

Exactly. There was nothing in that tweet unique to bodegas.

One of the things I love about working from home is I no longer have to try to ignore my fellow cubicle residents yelling at Zoom or their phone.

Dang! I have CenturyLink in Seattle and using my neighbor’s Comcast WiFi is faster than using my own DSL.

Instead of telling them, “Gosh we just don’t need anything specific this year, but a gift card always works!” try “Gosh we just don’t need anything this year!” If nothing else, you’ll stop sounding ungrateful.

Regardless what her mask was made of, she posed cheek-to-cheek with fans and pulled it down to read. Frankly, I think having the event at all was a terrible idea.

Containing a smaller pile of dookie.

I adore my primary care doctor. She’s always running late, but that’s because she asks questions, she listens carefully and she’s thorough. Your appointment is not over until everything is taken care of—prescriptions, test orders, referrals, answers to your questions, the works.

True, but we’re talking about kids. If there’s any possible way to spread germs, they’ll do it.

Camps and shelters for unhoused people usually need that sort of thing.

Starring for Chick-O-Sticks