Formica Dinette

The ACA is incredibly complicated. The general public mainly knows about the aspect that enables individuals to buy decent insurance at a reasonable price, which is too bad because there are lots of other aspects of it that affect all plans, like essential health benefits coverage and out-of-pocket maximums. The

The version they were scheduled to vote on today would have fucked over lots of us with insurance through our employers too because the essential health benefits mandate is for all plans. Your employer might choose to cover those things, but they wouldn’t be required to. I hope that doesn’t sound like I’m well,

Being in AP English has its downsides.

I’m not sure which is worse: Ethan Frome or Tess of the d’Urbervilles. I love reading, but we were assigned those in sophomore English class and I’m fairly certain they caused permanent damage to my psyche.

There’s almost always tons of traffic between me and the closest Ikea, but I’ll keep your lingonberry/Sprite tip in mind next time I drag myself there.

I don’t want to own a home, but if I ever do, I’m going to install a bat house immediately!

This is similar to what I did when I put together my container garden for hummingbirds, except I did my most of my research online. I googled something like “hummingbird friendly plants” + [my area]. To your point about eschewing the big box stores for local nurseries, several of the nurseries I visited last summer

If you dress anything like the guy in the photo you posted, you’re safe because Spencer wants to dress like that guy but fails miserably.

Here you go:

Misspelled hashtags are sometimes put out there intentionally to knock the real hashtags out of the top spot.

Cat anuses are cuter though.

I’m so happy for you!!!!!!

I kind of know what you mean. I’ve had side effects from going off them, but they have never really seemed to do much for me either.

Right? If I arrived anywhere in “extremely impractical” shoes, my companions would leave me behind and I wouldn’t blame them for it.

I agree with you. Fucking mic drop right there.

I was born and raised on the West Coast and I didn’t learn about it until after high school, when I happened to pick up “Nisei Daughter” at a used bookstore.

I get what you’re saying, but the NYT has had its share of flaws in the past week too. Like Nick Kristof writing that we should “grit our teeth and give Trump a chance.” No thank you.