But if you’re in the Seattle area, feel free to not subscribe to the Seattle Times as they skew extremely conservative.
But if you’re in the Seattle area, feel free to not subscribe to the Seattle Times as they skew extremely conservative.
Not the same as a sticker, but the tear-off receipt on Washington ballots has “I VOTED” printed on it. You could pin that to your shirt. ;)
I’ve heard they’re anti-union, too.
I need photos.
I can eat as much fruit as I want without any unpleasant gastrointestinal effects. Vegetables, on the other hand....
Yes! Same here.
But they’re unisex!
Recommendations? You’ve got Oprah’s recommendation right here! What more do you need?
I am far from rich, but I have around 10 pairs of eyeglasses. I get ‘em online at Coastal. Fortunately, my prescription hasn’t changed in many years.
At first I thought it was like the bundt in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.”
ClassPass is for suckers. Why pay for fancy classes at snooty exercise studios when lifting bags of lentils is practically free?
Even in big cities, police stations often lock their doors outside of regular business hours.
I am so sorry. He looks like such a sweet little boy.
But only the dark chocolate ones. Regular Milky Way bars are solidly meh.
I have long wanted to get tested for it. No particular reason other than I’m a crazy cat lady and I’m curious.
MI must be a total shit show.
True, but it’s funny because the babies can’t do a damn thing to stop it.
Did Pagliacci’s open a Medina location? ;)
You’ve hit the nail on the head! As an introvert, acting like a semi-enthusiastic human being at work is exhausting. And my job involves absolutely zero interactions with kitties, doggies, or any other adorable animals.
Thanks! For non-Costco shoppers, I was recently advised (by a Safeway checker) that Kerrygold is much less expensive at Trader Joe’s too.