
A “Top 1” team is a pretty select group.

This has got to be peak Trump, doesn’t it? I mean, where can he go from here? I believe The Reveal (where he admits he’s been trolling the Republican Party all this time) is soon. It has to be.

I didn’t think it was possible to hate anything more than driving through Chicago.

My viewing ended abruptly with a “SORRY. There was a problem with playback.”

I’ve put on probably 20 lbs in the last year. I went to my dad’s funeral last January and my uncle said, “Holy shit! What happened to you? You’re so fat.”

The one that doesn’t have an asshole behind the wheel.

Thank God that our long, national nightmare is over.

You are a terrible person. Funny, but terrible. I hope I’m there to make a joke when you lose your parents. On the same goddamned day.

Goddammit. I forgot about Oregon. But then, who could blame me?

There’s only one OSU and it’s not in Oklahoma.

I read an article where they told how they came up with the name.

I’ve seen them at least five times. Never disappointing. I’m glad they made it out.

I love that gif. I love it and want to marry it. I would never fuck or kill it.

If you’re making a mixed drink, why spend more than a beefeaters?

1972 Ford Pinto. It blowed up good.

So. In your mind, a band is not allowed to mature or age. They should just hang on to that magic spot when they were perfect.

At 2:30 it’s no wonder they crash, they’re on a 45 degree slope!

I bet both fans were pissed.

Her chain heavy. Wait. It’s a tattoo. Not so heavy.

My Forester XT came with a blow off valve that a previous owner installed. It is a dog whistle to the boyz in group 1.