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I loved these. The ridiculous part is they made a TV series out of him.

I enjoyed this movie. Maybe I’m a cretin, but it was an easy way to pass 90 minutes.

Old 97’s have put out some of their best work in the last two years. Grand Theater Vol 1 and 2, and especially Most Messed Up.

I think it was two years ago, I saw DBT AND Old 97’s in Columbus, OH. 2nd best show of my life (1st was Queen - News of the World).

Country Music has been fine for years:

I fixed my typo, updated the post, and did a phone interview for the third story I’m writing today.

I submitted this. Scared the shit out of me and it did well on deadspin...

Halloween is a terrible week to have a bye.

I roast coffee and the word is that most of these beans aren’t actually from poop. They’re processing them artificially and passing them off as Kopi Luwak.

Nice article. And while this is terrifying, the one that always haunted me was Richard Speck. He broke into a dormitory for student nurses, tied them up and then methodically raped, tortured and killed 8 of them.

When I was a kid, my dad asked me to change the oil in my sisters 72 Capri. I’d changed my oil before, so I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.

This is really sad. He seems like a great guy. Hope his health gets better and he can someday return to coaching in some capacity. Or even as an analyst.

We went to a wedding of a neighbors daughter. It was held at the neighbors house. The neighbor had four big ol’ black labs. They were holed up in a locked room. They got out. They walked down the aisle. They tried to eat cake. They got chased. They got put away. Our other neighbor turns around in his seat and says,

Holy fuck that was terrible. I now hate stunters, trial riders, paintball, AND bluetooth.

I may have already posted it, but I don’t see it anywhere here:

I posted this on the deadspin article. I’ve tried to clean up the prose a little bit...

It was the repeat the next day. I am a pervert, though.

Hey! I submitted this! I heard it yesterday when I was watching the repeat of this. It happened again later on.