
Thank God that our long, national nightmare is over.

You are a terrible person. Funny, but terrible. I hope I’m there to make a joke when you lose your parents. On the same goddamned day.

Goddammit. I forgot about Oregon. But then, who could blame me?

There’s only one OSU and it’s not in Oklahoma.

I read an article where they told how they came up with the name.

I’ve seen them at least five times. Never disappointing. I’m glad they made it out.

I love that gif. I love it and want to marry it. I would never fuck or kill it.

If you’re making a mixed drink, why spend more than a beefeaters?

1972 Ford Pinto. It blowed up good.

So. In your mind, a band is not allowed to mature or age. They should just hang on to that magic spot when they were perfect.

At 2:30 it’s no wonder they crash, they’re on a 45 degree slope!

I bet both fans were pissed.

Her chain heavy. Wait. It’s a tattoo. Not so heavy.

My Forester XT came with a blow off valve that a previous owner installed. It is a dog whistle to the boyz in group 1.

Now playing

I loved these. The ridiculous part is they made a TV series out of him.

I enjoyed this movie. Maybe I’m a cretin, but it was an easy way to pass 90 minutes.

Old 97’s have put out some of their best work in the last two years. Grand Theater Vol 1 and 2, and especially Most Messed Up.

I think it was two years ago, I saw DBT AND Old 97’s in Columbus, OH. 2nd best show of my life (1st was Queen - News of the World).

Country Music has been fine for years: