
I thought kidnappers were the number 1 thing that led to kidnappings.

The Wrangler 2-Door. A class transcender.

I'd have liked to have seen Enemy at the Gate on that list.

Why? Emma Stone won this with “Hook” and “All I Do Is Win”. This just makes me embarrassed for the participants.

My grandmother, who is 102, has been sending my daughter these vintage Avon rings from the 50’s and 60’s and they are beautiful. Yeah, they’re just costume jewelry but very vintage-looking.

My A4's timing belt broke at 98,000 miles. The long block was covered by the certified pre-owned program (best $45 I've ever spent).

I’ve seen this happen at nearly every retailer I’ve been with. A store becomes successful and starts believing that they can dictate fashion when the fact of the matter is they should be about 9 months to a year behind European trends. Michael Weiss, who is a brilliant merchant did this with Express Men’s back in the

I do not have an ex-spouse. Just the same spouse for 28 years.

I want a car that will make me giggle like that.

Because my brother-in-law’s company donated a substantial amount to the Ohio State University Hospital, I got to play in a foursome at Muirfield Village (a Nicklaus designed course where The Memorial tournament is held).

That’s how they express displeasure with their dinner service when they come to Ft. Lauderdale. And by “they” I mean French Canadians.

I saw Black Sabbath at Cal Jam. I was 12, separated from my older brother, hot, tired, thirsty, and about 2 miles from the stage. A truly miserable experience for me.

Allow me to recap:

They are both terrible songs.

My pick: The Steve Bartman incident.

So it just really needs to be a crap song to qualify for song of the summer?

I strive to be black.

I think the businesses that are going to hide behind this law should be required to post huge signs stating who won't be served. That will give me a chance to exercise my right not to patronize a bigot-owned business.

Like, they should have taken Taft to Hollywood? and then got on the 101 south? And then Santa Monica Boulevard back up North Western to Franklin? They totally wouldn't have wiped out going that way.

Awesome. Just awesome.