May I suggest you find something - anything - else to be outraged by? Because this is nothing. You want to stop the shredding, stop buying panties you know won't fit.
May I suggest you find something - anything - else to be outraged by? Because this is nothing. You want to stop the shredding, stop buying panties you know won't fit.
White is an ethnic word
Ew. He has a mom for fucking.
Anger management?
You shouldn't have to be paid to be a nice person.
Miller Lite - For every day working in the yard type beer.
I hate your voice.
What else should you do with a whore?
I haven't seen it in years, but I remember really enjoying Race With the Devil.
I got to 0:41, when she pronounced it "anna-vere-suh-ray".
I hate your voice. It sounds nothing like what I thought it would. I hate it.
I've buried both my parents. My mom, heavy with cancer, died from a stroke before she needed hospitalization. My dad, on the other hand received his death notice (you have maybe 4 months...chemo will just make you miserable) and was on hospice within 6 weeks.
I was just about to post about my 99 S5. It was a hell of a lot of fun when it wasn't in the shop. It was in the shop a lot.
I've got over 150K on my 2004 and I still enjoy the looks on Mustang drivers when I beat then on the on-ramp.
Serious question. Where does the line get drawn? Example, I like the Old 97's and when I play them in my car or at home, I like to sing along. I sing along at concerts. Nobody cares. My 20 year old son (very white) loves rap. Can he sing along to his favorites? Does he have to not say the N-word when it comes along? I…
My grandmother is 102 and lives alone in a two-story house (her bedroom is upstairs). She's just as sharp as she's ever been.
While I do work in retail (buying) and this story is not about videogames and I am not the cashier, I think it's a good story of an idiot customer (me):
Well thank God you had a gif to express your feelings. Jesus.
Look at that picture. Look at it! These are orgy people! You want no part of that. So make like the good dad you say you are and join Ashley Madison.