
When I worked at Disneyland back in the 80's, I dated Snow White and I was completely in love with her. Unfortunately, it didn't work out, but I still get to say I dated Snow White.

I choose to believe that nobody has ever done any of these things. That is what I choose. In fact, it's not so much a choice as that I HAVE to believe that or I can no longer look anyone in the eye ever again.

My Grandma turned 102 on Sunday. She lives by herself in a tw0-story house (her bedroom is upstairs) and just aced her driver's test. She's sharper than I am.

...because Vermonters prefer sitting on benches and looking at flags and watching cars drive in circles and walking up stairs for no reason to the neat efficiency of a four-way intersection.

That's not even that dick-shaped.

I hate the motherfucking SEC and all of their fans.

Saying Cincinnatti chili is awful because you ate at Skyline is like saying Hamburgers are awful because you ate at Burger King.

I have an '04 XT with 150K on it and all I've had to do was replace a clutch and the timing belt (I didn't know if it had been changed prior to my ownership and I didn't want to risk it). The previous owners did swap out the springs and swaybars with WRX parts and replaced the transmission with a newer model WRX (this

Chevy Suburban

You had three things to rank. Three.

This is a post-test horror story.

Can he get an injury waiver for his senior year and be eligible next year?

You know what they say: "Big hands, big, uh, gloves."

Yakkety Sax makes everything better.

Good thing he's not in the NFL. They might suspend him for two or three games.

I had asked in an earlier post about the difference between the Focus ST and the Fiesta ST and got this answer by Spencer Williams. His description of the Fiesta is great:

How does this compare to the Focus ST? Anyone driven both?