And that picture doesn't look at all like Christopher Lee.
Anybody that thinks that's okay has got issues. Would it have been okay if he'd just whipped it out and said, "look at this."?
Here's the thing with mine. It's a 2004, 160K. The previous owners had put WRX springs on it. The clutch went out last year but when the mechanic tried to install it, it wouldn't fit. He kept ordering clutches until one fit. He said it was from a 2006 Impreza.
Mine's a manual, also. I was told they were hard to find.
I just copied that to a word document and will use it to respond to ever gawker thread.
Goddamned Belgians going to Brazil and stealing American modeling jobs.
I bet she even has a refrigerator.
I edited my post (I actually just wanted to do a general reply but clicked on your thread. He's white.
Hey! I know Will Trapp...he's a good friend of my son's. I used to watch him in Youth Leagues and even then you knew he was something special. He's white.
Why is it racist for a black baby to be paired with the monkey shirt and not Asian or White? Sounds like the racist might be you.
I read the whole thing and I cannot sympathize with your outrage. You couldn't get 'em on the black baby monkey, so you grabbed on to that oriental thing like a rabid dog.
Here's why you should care. I bought a used 99 Audi S4 with 68K miles from a Ford dealer. I noticed the front plate said "Audi Certified Pre-Owned". I called Audi of America and they transferred the CPO warranty to me for $45. At 95,000 miles, my timing belt snapped. I got a new longblock and rebuild for $50.00.
I think that what the 2nd Amendment people forget is that they are protecting this guy from gun control laws.
I don't want to stop and smell those particular roses.
If you liked this article, you'll love this:
Their whole catalogue (The Handsome Family's) is pretty damned good.
Now that I know it's a thing...ten bucks says he was rolling coal.
"Both countries built Beetles."