
Are you trying to say that it was an energy waste maneuver?

I had a friend of mine who was the used car manager at a local Ford dealer. I asked if he would look out for a decent sport sedan for me when he went to auctions. He found a 1999 Audi S4 (this was in 2003) with 60,000 miles on it. When I got it home, I noticed that the front paper tag said, "Audi Certified Pre-Owned".

The one game that I'm most excited about os Far Cry 4. I want to ride an elephant and fly a gyrocopter.

Somewhere, hidden by a good layer of fat, my abs look just like that.

Absolutely. I love the taste of beer right after your morning coffee.

Drinking early: Golf.

Maybe they didn't see it, but Cold In July is my favorite so far this year. Also, I was really impressed with Edge of Tomorrow.

It should be Old 97's. Their last three albums (and most of the previous) have been stellar and they put on one hell of a rock and roll show.

Fuck. I punched my monitor. Fuck.

How old is she? In her 70's? My God, she looks good.

Towards the end, the guy in the diaper says, "No one can judge me."

It's better than their Apex hood graphics.

When I worked at the Disneyland warehouse, we would often open the autograph books to a middle page and write something like "Gosh! It took you a long time to find this!" - Goofy

I could get ten $680 guitars...

For $6,800, there are about a hundred guitars I would rather buy.

Have you read either book? They are not the same.

Women are so shallow.

I pary for you and yor babbys.

Chris Christie will go to any length to close lanes on a bridge.