Until they're as cold as your frigid heart, you nasty bitch!
When I was 12 or 13, we had a baja bug that we would tow when we went camping (California's Sequoia Natl Park). One day, the whole family, well 4 of us were tooling along a pretty smooth and wide dirt road when my dad stops, signals for me, and says, "You drive."
I would like to buy 5 of these so that my whole family can be alone together.
This really has nothing to do with the story, but...
It's the Eddie Haskell syndrome.
She seems like nice fucking fat fuck with a really fucking cock-gobbling vocabulary.
I made it to 3:18. It is not professional to be sobbing at your desk.
I am very sad now.
I worked for a division of The Limited when they bought A and F. Since I got a 40% discount, we made a point of visiting their store. It was great. One side had home furnishings (I remember a big leather turtle) and the other had a very limited selection of men's and women's clothes: High quality khakis and pinpoint…
I don't think we eat dairy cows, do we? I always imagined that they retired and spent the rest of their days in a beautiful pasture, chewing cud and gossiping with the other cows.
Why were they filming at that particular moment? I think it was staged.
Is that Trans Siberia Orchestra? Mute, please.
El Rancho Grande in Chino, CA. Best burrito I've ever had.
I can turn that 309 piece tool kit into a 302 piece kit by losing every 9/16 socket and wrench within 5 minutes. Somewhere, in my house, there are 400 9/16 sockets hiding and laughing at me.
Not Father/Daughter, but I went to a wedding of high school friends (a football star and a cheerleader) in the early 80's and their first dance was to the very popular Eagles' song: Lyin Eyes.
Worst skit ever. I didn't laugh once.
She's never found a man as interesting as my career? She's met some boring-ass men!