
We've owned goats. Both a regular size one and a pygmy. They act just like that and we used to have to run them over with our cars.

And as usual, the drummer gets exactly 3 seconds of screen time.

Thank you for linking to the Hot Jeopardy tumblr site. Not so much for the contestants, but for the "Who is DANKEY KANG" photo at the bottom (the correct answer was Sonic the Hedgehog...what a maroon that broad was, huh?)

I don't want to trivialize this, but that sounds like a town where Jack Reacher may be showing up very soon.

There's one very important thing you need to remember. The speed limits posted on the freeways and toll roads are only suggestions. So when you see that the speed limit is 45 on I-90 through downtown, you will understand why people are going 85 mph.

This is about Raysism over at Deadspin, right? Because I know some of his puns make me sick.

Better a slipcover than those damned clear vinyl covers my grandmother had.

I keep a fair distance between me and the car in front of me. Inevitably, some d-bag will get into that gap and now I am NOT keeping a safe distance. So I slow to create distance and someone gets in the gap. Repeat ad nauseum and it takes you 35 hours to drive from Chicago to Columbus, OH.

...and it makes bukake just seem stupid, right?

This is basic supply and demand. There are not as many roles for aging women as there are men. Therefore you have more actresses available for each available role and the price goes down.

Here's the thing. It's great if girls don't want to play with girl things. But what if my daughter WANTS to play with that stuff? She shouldn't be shamed for it. Plus, Goldie-Blocks suck. I'd rather it was an advertisement for Tinker Toys or lincoln Logs or Legos.

I'm a drinker. A fairly heavy drinker. In fact, I used to binge-drink.

You know, I've learned a lot about this since the initial post. But, 20 or 24, I love this thing.

Is your user name sylph or syph?

I once mixed skittles and m&m's in the same bowl on my desk. The flavor of those two candies together can best be described as vomit. Flu vomit. Flu vomit on a dairy diet.

There are so many things worse than this. So, so, many.

It was in my 2002 Jeep Wrangler...

I didn't see this until after I made my post. Good choice.

Chrysler's 4.0 litre straight 6. Bullet. Proof.