
The money goes into the ad time, not the ad. In fact, some of the best ads are done on a pretty low budget: VW's Darth Vader, anyone?

"Best Grammy Performance Ever"?

Cheers was able to do it. Twice.

My first car was a 1972 Ford Pinto. It had been my sister's car and I sold my Ciamatti Citibike Moped to buy it from her for $285 (I also bought her 2nd car, a 1974 Capri after the Pinto died).

The stages of Jaegermeister.

The thing people misunderstand about the BAC levels is that it is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol. Period. Doesn't matter if your BAC is .01 or .19...if you're under the influence you will be arrested. The BAC limits simply states that a BAC higher than the limit is legally drunk, whether you think so

Yo, we heard you like selfies of yourself so we put yourself into the selfies so you can selfie yourself.

I would really like them to revisit the cars and see what the owners have done with them.

Ah, playful young love is just like that. Even now, it's like that.

The only way this could be better was if Joffrey from GoT was his passenger. That's the only other person I dislike as much.

Holy fuck. It looks like my Aunt Grace got to design the uniforms because I have that same exact sweater somewhere.

The Ontario (California) 500?

Why does something called a Panda have a penguin on the side?

I was married in the Catholic Church. It was required that we attend a pre-marriage class. 5 two-hour sessions over a week.

They should have given Jim Tressel the job. That's right...Jim Tressel.

Somebody's not getting anymore free haircuts.

Okay. Someone needs to explain this to me. Why is Nancy O'Dell pictured here? When did it start that people who report on celebrity must become celebrity? It was that bitch Mary Hart, wasn't it.

I like that you can't edit anymore. That's a nice feature.

But...isn't the point of most porn the "money shot" are they going to digitally add an impossibly large load being shot impossibly hard onto the partner's face?

I have no problem with this.