I once wrote a visitors guide to LACMA where I said you’ll recognize that installation from every Angelenos Facebook feed and dating profile.
I once wrote a visitors guide to LACMA where I said you’ll recognize that installation from every Angelenos Facebook feed and dating profile.
tfw where you just can’t decide between eyeroll.gif and jerkoff.gif
Say what you will about Discovery, that was one of the best battle scenes in Star Trek history.
“the project isn’t a ‘mockumentary,’ as Collider first reported, but rather, a scripted film that was to have been shot like a documentary.”
Cholos fucking love their white wines and neo-cubism.
I was one of those people. Thank you for enlightening me.
Not to be that guy, but “we made it up” is not the same thing as “you are wrong”. It’s entirely possible that the viewer knew all along that the story was bullshit.
Space shawarma — I don’t know what it is but I want some.
“ugh, what a mess.”
I envy Scarlett for having a life that is busy/interesting/rewarding enough that she doesn’t know about memes.
I was going to go with Entrance Gate. Should be easy enough to Google.
Find a Web site that is in the black and, chances are, its business and content are distinctly blue.
I mean I’ve never watched Gundam, but from the description alone it feels like that robot would probably win if it ran for president.
I had the same feeling toward Louise Fletcher. Between Cuckoo’s Nest and DS9, every time I saw her on screen it made my skin crawl. But a few years ago I realized how much talent it takes to be that consistently grating and vile.
Maybe the headline is ironic? Maybe it’s a genuine sentiment and he just forgot to say anything to support it up in the body of the article? Maybe he thinks she’s a rock star generally and his statement in the headline has no connection to the story being reported. Maybe he thinks she’s literally a rock star and is…
What part of everywoman do you not understand? If women faced different challenges based on their race, age, sexual orientation, class, background, etc. I’m pretty sure the four wealthy middle aged white dudes putting this project together would have known about it.
whatever cutesy baby sounds Germans use when overwhelmed by the majesty of a creature like a tiny bear.