
Don’t you know that a righteous man will only do any harm after being tempted by those evil women with their siren wombs and devilish provocations? I mean, of course Anna’s father would not have raped her at 6 years old if she hadn’t been such a harlot and asked for it, amirite?

I may or may not have tried this. Just in case.

Regular motorcycle wheels and tires, according to the video.

Plus Juno got gravity assist. Not fair to other unassisted spacecraft out there!

That’s why you should take the Pacific route.

Sad thing is they get you all aroused with the groping and then leave you hanging. They at least could have a closet for a quick pat down with happy ending to make flying less stressful.

You know it’s for pron, just admit it.

You know it’s for pron, just admit it.

Passenger wait times for security screening could increase, the TSA acknowledged, but so far, they remain “within TSA standards.”

Or do it exactly the same and blame it on the other guys!

Because banks need cash to give to pensioners who want to withdraw.

A commando is an elite light infantry or special forces soldier, trained for quick raid operations. Commando is also an alternate term for military special forces.

Except it wouldn’t be an Oxford comma, which only applies to list of three elements of more.

That’s why it would be a sequel.

Even a nevermind?

Say, what more details can you provide of the weak points of a money armored car?

Dude had had enough of an ass whooping already. Despite him obviously deserving a gang-beating by the entire crew and even a few patrons, folks were wise to just let things simmer down enough and then take her away before she got to really hurt the guy and get herself in trouble. Kinda like protecting her from herself

Having a hard time reading between the lines, huh?

That was no vagina. You should check your references.

Her name is Blue Angel in case anyone is wondering.

You should see him painting with blood dripping from his pee hole, though.