forgetful burner the third (GDI)

Honestly, her admission just makes me more annoyed at her and Goop as a whole. So she knowingly recommends and attaches her name to bullshit her Well White Woman ass doesn’t even try or know about? Continue to fuck right off, Gwynnie.

For some reason, I really want to stomp on Pence’s scrotum with a soccer cleat.

I am so, so incredibly sorry for your loss. A former college professor of mine lost her four year old son two years ago to the exact same type of brain tumor, and while they initially tried to seek out local experimental treatments with some hope, they eventually ended up making the same choice you did. I can’t even

Seriously. I could literally make that exact thing for under $50 with a coat from Goodwill and a shitton of fake flowers from Walmart.

Even ignoring how stupid it is to spraypaint or otherwise deface nature like that, goddamn, you couldn’t even put forth effort to ask out your prom date? If you’re gonna make your promposal a ~thing~ at least make an attempt to be creative. I’d say no just out of offense.

I had a similar experience, though it was in junior high in small town Georgia. I was at a “friend’s” sleepover (i was a v shy kid, clung to whatever sad excuse for a friendship was around), and for some reason, someone decided it was a cool idea to go around and say how old we thought the Earth was (in hindsight, I’m

Yeeeup. Here in NC, there was at least one reported incidince of a cisgender lesbian being barred from using the women’s restroom because she didn’t appear feminine enough to be a “real” woman.

AHAHAH, the gif in the update. Watching Orange Julius Cesear’s reactions to his pathetic attempts at masculinity and dominance being literally crushed is goddamn delightful.

Seriously, she’s phenomenally bad at it. I’ll never make as much money as that dipshit in my entire life, and yet I can still convincingly feign politeness and amiability around folks I work with that I don’t care for.

I will remain forever amazed that this pair (and their entire administration, tbh) can’t even do the bare minimum to try and keep up appearances. Don’t get me wrong, shit like this is delightful. But it astounds me that there’s not anyone screaming “ok y’all have to at least pretend to tolerate each other’s existence

“I’m out there trying to make a difference in the world.”

Yeeeup. My mother has gotten much better about this, but all the rest of her family still does the exact same thing you described. Anything else in your life, positive or negative, is secondary to your appearance.

All of them have just such inherently punchable faces.

YUP. I’ve yet to hear of anyone actually being hurt, and until then, I will continue to devour the delicious schadenfreude from all sides.

As an occasional smoker (I’m trying to quit permanently, but goddammit, I’m sober, I need something sometimes), fuck all these assholes. You wanna smoke, that’s fine! You do you. But don’t be an inconsiderate asshole and do it somewhere that non-smokers have no escape from. Christ.

A Trump without “strongle held views”? I AM SHOCKED. SHOCKED, I TELL YOU.

Language changes, sorry ‘bout it.

Michael Kinsleyand his desire to normalize a facist, bigoted, narcissitic wannabe-dictator can fuck right off.

It’s still scrolling into the next article for me, plus the weird layout flip. I DON’T LIKE CHANGE.

I feel like people in general would be more empathetic as a whole if everyone had to work a minimum of a year in food/customer service. Jesus, the shit you have to put up with...