This this this. Block the mofo. Remove every last avenue that lets him have any sort of contact with you.
This this this. Block the mofo. Remove every last avenue that lets him have any sort of contact with you.
I grew up with a family that was obsessed with weight and appearance, and by extension, dieting (but not nutrition, exercise, etc., go figure). It resulted in me having a wicked awful sense of self-esteem, body shame, and bouts of disordered eating that I only started to get past in my early, mid-twenties.
This reminds me of a classmate in high school who tried to tell me that calling someone a “redneck” was just as bad as using the n-word.
YUP. As a woman who had part of her wages stolen by a former employer, that makes me want to burst into fucking flames.
Yeah, because then they’d have to deal with the whole sinful homosexuality angle of that, as well. I can’t imagine Quiverfulls take kindly to the ~gay lifestyle~.
Yeah, cute as hell, but I could rarely afford to actually purchase anything.
AHHHH, I am so excited for this movie. Everything I hear about it just gets me more pumped.
I’m 26 and had never had one until about a month ago, when the second of two also turned into a wicked kidney infection.
Saaame. I’d never had a UTI until this year, when I got two over the span of a month. Because I was an idiot and didn’t go to the doctor to get my $10 antibiotics, the second one turned into an ANGRY kidney infection that presented very abnormally, so I ended up spending 9 hours in the ER to make sure it wasn’t…
Same. Maybe it’s partially because it was recommended to me in college by someone who turned out to be a raging asshole, but I just do not get the hype.
I guess as who I am, I’m not allowed to have a nervous breakdown, ever.
“That is not me. That is not [Torres].”
Holy FUCK, who approved that ad?!
2 Chainz canned five managers after his Atlanta tapas joined scored abysmally
I think I just fell in love with her.
... Christ, that sounds good right now.
to blame me is not productive
Yeah, I’d maybe be joining the E.U., so that’s fine by me.
There’s also a free alternative: