Fucking THIS. If you’re not going to actually do something and release them, fuck off.
Fucking THIS. If you’re not going to actually do something and release them, fuck off.
Any of my fellow North Carolinians who need help not totally despairing over our politics right now need to follow State Senator Jeff Jackson if you’re not already. The man is a goddamn hero in this current bullshittery.
That’s exactly what it is. I can’t find it right now, but when this special session bullshit was first being discussed, a Republican legislator outright said they’re doing this to “ensure the Republicans remain a relevant party in the state government.”
That’s basically in. In NC, we’ve got the Triangle and Charlotte that are generally more progressive. And then there’s the rest of the state...
Yeah, I went through a prolonged mental breakdown a few years back and thank GOD I lived with friends who were educated and sensitive enough to help get me through it. I can’t imagine trying to navigate that shit alone, or with people who just don’t realize what they’re dealing with or how to deal wit hit.
I’m so, so sorry about everything you’re going through. I hope things turn around for you ASAP. <3
Oh thank god, the Mountain Lodge candle I asked for for xmas is safe.
Seriously. Poor Sofia, having to have this hanging over her all the time. What the fuck.
Thank GOD. Even if you ignore all the other awful implication of it just being used as a plot device (which you shouldn’t), it’s just lazy fucking writing. Like, really, you can’t come up with ANYTHING else in the entirety of the human experience to use as a catalyst for character development? Bye.
Your mother is a goddamned saint.
Goootcha. Thanks!
God, THIS. I went to high school in NC, and I remember having to peer-edit papers in my 11th grade AP english class and being appalled by the quality of writing even then. You’re in supposedly an advanced writing class, about to graduate, and you write at the level of a fourth grader??? WHY.
Fuck this goddamned line of thinking. You can have whatever opinion you like, but your opinion can be wrong, and if you refuse to change that opinion when presented with verified facts, you’re choosing to be a willfully ignorant fuckwad. I cannot deal with these people who think “well it’s my opinion, I’m entitled to…
Light one (or eighty) up for my sober ass, please. <3
I’m hitting ten months sober in a few days and election night (and next few days) was the first time in a while where thoughts centering around my sobriety were generally “GOD. FUCKING. DAMMIT.”
Question: Does anyone know why Title IX requires all grad programs to be co-ed, but not undergrad? Genuinely curious.
Exactly this. I used to have a guy friend who would pull this shit with every woman in his life (also he tried to get into every woman’s pants, with no regard for whether he was in a monogamous relationship or not). He woukd vanish from his “best friends” when his current romantic/sexual relationship was going well,…
A few of my BFFs are straight guys where there is zero romantic/sexual attraction on either end, and somehow, we’ve been able to sleep at each other’s places every now and then without boning. Imagine that!
Lillith knew what was up.
I can’t wait until someone turns up undeniable proof that this fucker used Grindr or some shit. PLEASE let someone out this piece of shit.