
IIRC it was 810 for heroic dungeons and there is no queue for mythic difficulty. You can create custom queues for mythic and people can set their own restrictions. 840+ is about where you should be for raiding on normal but I can’t remember if there is actually a hard limit. I started mythic dungeon raids at 809 but I

Let it die like we let Harambe die?

“I was being sarcastic”.

So basically, “If you come across this, then git gud”.

They didn’t get rid of coaches, they just made it so coaches aren’t participating mid-match making calls and doing things like keeping track of money for the team, which essentially made them a 6th player.

Hunter can disengage shortly before hitting the ground, it cancels their momentum.

If you just get the kite and don’t add the feathers, it has a 1 minute cooldown for all classes. It doesn’t last as long, but if you’re just using it for preventing fall damage, it doesn’t matter. If you combine it with the toy that you get for hitting all 10 orbs in that falling wings quest, it lets you “launch”

Because every expansion doesn’t allow you to fly right off the bat. Sure it would be faster, but it basically breaks the game. Flying will be introduced later on in the region. Believe it or not, everybody flying right at launch would be what diminishes everybody’s game.

But did they bang?

It isn’t like the generation before them set a particularly high bar to pass.

In their original incarnation, sure, but how triggers are currently being used, they’re for whiny assholes.

That’s where you’re wrong, though. They aren’t zealots, they’re just regular people who watch too much Fox News. My wife’s facebook feed is full of people posting “memes” with pictures of Obama golfing next to a picture of Trump in Louisiana. People posting the exact same thing he just did. Sure, maybe he’s a troll,

If you don’t think people like that exist and he must be a troll, then watch interviews of regular people at their rallies.

Is it moral to condemn your descendants to die on Earth when the resources run out because we didn’t try to explore space?

Try talking to a Trump supporter in real life, they are exactly like that. It is pathetic that someone can be so out of touch that we have to assume “they must be a troll” because they’re so brainwashed.

A variety of reasons ranging from wanting a “stretched” image for larger targets (but this affects how the mouse feels), to having less visual “noise” and allowing them to focus more on what they’re looking at, to they’re just used to lower resolutions, so that’s what they play with.

Resources as in the police that are still searching for people in Louisiana that would have to be pulled and diverted if the President visited. Are you seriously this dense that you’re not understanding this?

Seriously, do 1 minute of googling and you’ll see the Governor wanted him to wait a week or two. Go ahead and search it, I’ll wait. The White House asked the Governor when it would be best for him to come and he said wait. So go ahead. Try it, reading actual facts.

‘“I was at the point where I was sabotaging myself so hard,” he said. “I was on PC playing at a lower resolution...”’