There’s no winning here.
There’s no winning here.
The women were white, stupid.
Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.
I’m more comfortable with Netflix having it than who actually has it.
Not sure feathers would stick to object in 400mph+ winds.
Wow! An actual “Think of the children!”
I’m so old dude. Old as dirt, I made $.35 an hour in my first full time job. That’s $20 a week with overtime. People talked down at me, and not just men, women, in fact, were the absolute worst.
Kinja at it’s finest.
I just want to say that the Cammy pic on the left is a big improvement from that double handjob thing last week.
Disagree. Remaster implies the same art assets, but up-ressed, like the Nathan Drake Collection. These are completely new art assets. IMO there’s a 4th descriptor in between remaster and remake, and that’s where this game lies.
PAL may be a broadcast standard, but when you are talking about “PAL Region”, that’s a geographical group of countries that still exist based on previous standards. If Nintendo is dividing up the launch with different units, then the differentiation still applies to this current device.
Ah yes, the famous pixar patent on generic CG looking people.
A giant fuck no to both Mark Zuckerberg and The Rock. You want to get into public service, boys? Run for mayor, dog catcher, what the fuck ever, not the leader of the free world, ok? Who the fuck wants Mark Zuckerberg anyway?
Unfortunately, it serves a purpose.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Ask Urki the Thinker.
I tried calling them in Iraq once... they got too excited and asked if I could drive a truck.
That’s not true at all. Inquisition started development just a few months after DA2. I know this because I wrote about it in a book that’s coming out soon ;)
Because MOBAs are TRASH.