
I mean...blind bags/boxes have been a popular thing in the toy industry for years and those are targeted at children.

Wait...what did I miss? What did he do?

I was listening to a WW2 speech by Roosevelt earlier and then I read a tweet by our current president calling out “haters”. I can’t help but cringe that the bar has fallen this low. Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t matter, a President should not talk like a teenager. It is an embarrassment for our nation and I just

Were you really expecting a 2D platformer with almost no dialogue to have a stance on racism and to make an important statement on it? I don’t know how people can take articles like this seriously. Making a big deal about nothing and getting offended for no reason is the epitome of white people shit.

And Skyrim is from a time when pretty much the only games with loot crates were TF2 and LoL, so using that as an example of a successful studio that doesn’t focus on loot crates wouldn’t make a lot of sense. Loot crates being tacked on to everything, particularly single player games, is a very new thing. I don’t think

IIRC they stopped using the brand names, though. I don’t recall if anyone in Call of Duty actually says something like “get to the humvee”, but it seems likely they have. Then again, humvee isn’t *really* the name of the vehicle...but they probably have it trademarked anyway.

Video games publishers like EA have paid gun companies for this in the past, particularly for the brand name (glock is notorious for this, and it is why some games with glocks don’t use the actual name “glock”).

Depends on what perspective you’re using. Square Enix called Tomb Raider a failure because it “only” sold 3.4 million units. Which, according to VGcharts, Prey and Dishonored 2 don’t even approach.

I am assuming he meant that PS4 has those games, which is why it is more popular over Xbone. Though the rest of his comment, I’m not really sure what the point was because it isn’t like PS4 doesn’t have Western genres, it has most of the games Xbone does.

That wasn’t what he said. He said their mistake was not releasing Xbone exclusives with the launch of the console, which Microsoft *does* have control over, but decided it wasn’t important.

We have a Port Arthur shooting every few months and we still can’t get people behind bills regarding simple things like magazine sizes and bump stocks (used in the Vegas shooting to make it essentially automatic), much less people willingly giving up their guns. Gun culture is huge in America, more so than anywhere

If you think a buyback would even make a dent, you have no idea how fanatical many Americans are about owning guns, especially in a state like Texas. We have shootings like this essentially on a monthly basis and these people just will not change their mind.


You are so full of it. Nobody just jumps to “gang related” if a black person drove over 7 people, are you serious? As for calling them “illegal immigrants”, maybe Fox News and their ilk, but even that is a stretch. That is pretty much reserved for Trump and his circle of idiots. Look back at reports of every attack

I mean...I have it recorded if you want to see it. There’s also a lot of popular “final pan kill” videos where in the final 1v1 they kill them with a pan and it takes more than one hit. Like, have you even played the game?

WELL ACTUALLY ...I’m pretty sure all the melee is the same. Any melee is a one-hit headshot and I’ve hit someone in the body with a pan and not knocked them.

“The game of the 2000s was Gears of War.

Because if you can buy any item in the store, there is no longer any reason at all to open crates because even if you get a super rare item out of it, it can’t be worth any more than what it is worth in the store. It would break the entire economy of the crates.

Well, with your method, you have to buy the shirt in order to get the shirt. With the loot crates, at least for the moment, there are free to open crates which means you can get said shirt for free. If you *really* want just said shirt, you can just go to the steam market and buy that shirt, just like you could if the

Different poster and while I hate Trump more than I thought possible, sites like Gawker spin everything he does to sound worse than it is. The guy is a walking buffoon, so I really don’t see why they feel the need, but they do it. Every time I see the clickbait headline about how Trump did this awful thing and then