
Dump him just for use of the word “titties.”

I had this scenario, but with my dog. “Your dog takes up too much of your time.” <insert biggest eye roll & fastest dumping of boyfriend ever>

I had a boyfriend who used to get jealous of my purry, demanding cat, to the point where I told him, point blank, not to make me choose between him and my cat because he would not like my answer to that. And I meant it.

Miley does seem like a bit of a shithead, but if she distracts Jezebel at large from their favorite transphobic shithead Cardi B, then I’m kinda O.K. with it?  I know--it’s a low bar, but I’ll take what I can get.

Forgetting the dogs for a moment, these people were exploited. Paid a pittance by investor-dog owners, who probably took in the big bucks. No retirement, no health care, no nothing. It’s maddening this still happens in this country.  

To be fair, randomly experimenting on soldiers is a proven method for creating superheroes. 

She probably just had it on while she worked.

Non-New York Post links:

#SnakeMom reporting in. Shame that this entire post just reinforces the negative stereotypes and senseless fear around snakes. Yes, SOME snakes are venomous. SOME snakes like my Mexican Black Kingsnake, Rita, are completely docile, sweet tempered and in the wild this species eats Rattlesnakes. So here we go

I will take any and all snakes, reptiles, or literal nest of vipers in my bed any day over the cold-blooded species known as republicons.


You’re wrong on almost every level. Chick-fil-A is a privately held company and its profits have been used, and almost certainly continue to be used, to support anti-LGBTQ causes. Dan Cathy isn’t just a hired-gun CEO; he and his family own the company.

Just wait until they pull out the big guns. Then they’ll call you either a “bootlicker” or a “chud” or even both at the same time. if you’re really bad, you’ll be referred to as a “centrist”.

An angry boomer comment?

Somewhere in a shitty loft on the outskirts of hipster Brooklyn, a heart broken Libby Watson is smashing all her Cardi B LP’s and tearing down that Bodak Yellow poster that was covering the stain on her wall.

I legit think it’s some of her best work. “Bubble bath.” And there are several line deliveries I can think of off the top of my head that are hilarious. The whole show is really funny but her work is fantastic.

Maya Rudolf is absolute perfection in this show. She gives me life.

Can this please be the last thing ever written about them on this blog, pretty pretty please? <3

But it’s functioning as a dunce cap.