Is he trying to recreate my 1980 playmobil castle with dungeon. moat and alligator graphic? Yeah that will work, a moat with alligators against mothers fleeing violence with their children.
Is he trying to recreate my 1980 playmobil castle with dungeon. moat and alligator graphic? Yeah that will work, a moat with alligators against mothers fleeing violence with their children.
cancel transphobic sexist homophobic chappelle
your writing is poetry and humour and the warm feeling of understanding a n inside joke - thank you
I was 25 and travelling in India, specifically in Varanasi where funeral pyres are released into the ganga. I bought some pot off a street dude, unfortunately it was bush weed and did nothing for my educated Canadian pot palette. I’d been scammed. Next day I run into dealer guy and start complaining. He apologizes and…
wow i really did not pivot my Canadian parent’s government gigs, liberal arts degree and willingness to talk wine in order to get day drunk properly
dude i need the tweets imbedded - i would rather traffic here than twitter
Real world rural Canada. My daughter is the 14 year old queen of thrift store mom jeans and a green/teal fanny pack. My jocko son rocks a champion fanny pack to impress his girlfriend..
I’ve said it before - Puerto Rico DTMFA.
Dear Puerto Rico, Dump the Motherfucker Already!
Is this a vice blog?
I want the tweets to stay. Why? so I actually know the true horror and idiocy. It also prevents people from actually following him or accessing him on twitter.
mmmmmm - I haven’t been a cigarette smoker for 16 years - but the thought of a gauloise blonde instantly transports me to mid-1990's Southern Germany where smoking was normalized. I would never smoke cigarettes in my Canadian forest, but put me in a medieval German town square context and it’s acceptance to tobacco and…
that would be in line with corporate weed takeover
Don’t drink pretentious Canadian Norman Hardie wines - sexual assault and sex creep.
mmmmmm old microplastic garlic with a container that will last 450-1000 years! convienence sure is great
I’d like to hear from Cannibal Witch on this one.
When I see Cardi B coverage I feel irritated and lowered to tabloid consumption. I thought this was a feminist site. There are billions of women in the world who deserve their stories to be heard. This is not one of them. I’m interested in those enduring, surviving and making it work. That doesn’t include violence…
Yesterday I was reading about probiotics and went to health food store to spend big money to cure all my woes. Thoughts on probiotics - science or snake oil?