Yarf, sorry ‘bout that. Some, I presume, are good people.
Yarf, sorry ‘bout that. Some, I presume, are good people.
Even if they find out the kid isn’t the missing boy I hope he gets the help and care he needs.
Can she also sue them for invasion of privacy, intentional humiliation, or something to prevent them from thinking they had a right to turn her into their private smutty Joke?
Yeah we need a follow-upstory with more information on this that includes phone numbers, so we can start harassing these assholes. Obviously only public phone numbers, calling them is our right as the public. I say this as a local government employee LOL
Not just a crime against her, but somebody gave pornography to a minor, so whoever did that really needs to go to jail right now.
i thought being topless was legal in new york? or is it only new york city? also, she wasn’t the one that shared it so shouldn’t a revenge porn law apply? i don’t see how she did anything wrong here.
yep, it almost sounds like it could be “revenge porn” ish... unless these middle school boys are tech savvy enough to hack her phone or the other teachers phone to access it... someone can find out how it got distributed.
yes exactly, she’s being re-victimized all over again! And they’re sharing it again w/o her consent to everyone!
It’s absolutely discrimination. A crime was committed against her and she is being punished for it.
Yep. I’d much rather my tax money paid for language lessons and supervised integration than an even larger army of ill-educated armed border guards.
“As you say, they’re essentially talking about internment and genocide.”
Not even “essentially.” They are literally talking about it.
Oh, but it will be. Because what happens is, we (all non-Trump supporters) get outraged for a few days. Then they (unapologetically) try to do whatever heinous thing it is they proposed. Then it gets sent to the Supreme Court, and it gets implemented in a limited manner, only numbing us just a bit more.
We live in a world where trumps base as he stated so wonderfully does not care if he shot a man in the middle of the street.... We live in a world where Biden has 4 accusations of uncomfortable touching , and is attacked by the same people who voted for and defended trump... we live in a world where small business…
It can’t be *normalized*, though.
I’ve aged fifty years this presidency.
“Someone’s going to leak this to the media” says man who is looking into a news camera.
I wouldn’t have been worried about what happens when Trump refuses to accept the results of the election before McConnell refused to allow Obama to replace a supreme court justice and Trump was allowed to place two rabid conservatives on the bench. To say nothing of the other justices that the GOP have been filling…
What will happen if he loses in 2020 and doesn’t accept the results? Who knows!