Mike Hunt

If no mayonnaise is allowed in Wakanda, I’m gonna have to ask who made the potato salad.

#inwakanda No one has to fight over the last piece of white meat.

You know what really bothers me? When people bug out about kissing kids on the lips. Not everyone does it but when people do, IT IS NOT SEXUAL. People cringing like there is a sexual element is icky. It’s icky! That’s a father and son, clean your head. Damn.

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Counter-counterpoint: Nah. Edgar’s a stone-cold HOFer.

1. The ICOPRO banner at the Manhattan Center

Me: We are GOING to see Black Panther.

Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

I hate this little motherfucker so much.

Despite the MeToo theme of the evening, I don’t see the author saying that Tanya Harding should have been given time to speak. Allison Janney gave her a shout out, but...

But they let a pregnant Tony Siragusa patrol the sidelines for like what, ten years?


I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

Harold Perrineau is taking up for his daughter. He issued a veiled threat. He did this much smarter than I did when I found out about my daughter’s first exposure to sexual harassment and white male privilege. My daughter (one of them) was 17 at her first job. She told me her manager grabbed her ass and told her she

As someone who grew up there, I’m not sold on this team being a surefire success. Their minor hockey team has attendance below what you’d expect, and there just isn’t as much of a “hockey culture” as there is for soccer. The argumentsfor the NHL’s chances seem to acknowledge this, and assert it will be overcome by a

One of the many reasons why I did not want children was that I could not imagine what I would do to the bullies if my child ever suffered the sort of treatment that I experienced. Just thinking of me in that state of boundaryless rage legitimately scares me.

Just becuase it didn’t take place during school hours doesn’t make the school district less responsible for not teaching the other students to behave like decent humans.

In the next few years, we’re either going to have an economic recession (like we do roughly once every ten years), or Trump (‘s advisors) will decide that the best way to forego/delay/avoid a recession is wartime spending (see: 2001), and we’ll get an actual war started.