Mike Hunt

Didn’t even read the article, just came to say “GREENLIT”

Eagles fan are the truest definition of garbage people

Garbage people.

And cue Mike Pence soliciting for gay sex in 3...2...

Philly fans truly are the most garbage human beings ever. Eagles, 76ers, Flyers, Phillies, doesn’t matter. Garbage people

Good! I’m no Trump supporter, spouting snowflake etc., but the number of people who claim social anxiety and emotional support animals and blah blah blah, it just all reeks of such bullshit and they simply want special privilege because they truly think they’re special. It is infuriating

Enzo was garbage. Good riddance

Fuckin wypipo

As someone else who also grew up in Seattle, all of what you said!

“It should also be noted that the video did not take place during school hours.”

I find blaming Darrell Bevell or Tom Cable is always the right call

Fuck Pewdiepie!

As a white guy who’s a fan of Em and fucking hates Donald Trump, this was perfection

I hope enough “disturbed white men” storm the White Power House fences sometime very soon

People dive REEEEEEEALLY too deep on this show

I enjoy Rick and Morty but it’s not the second coming as people have built it up to be.

I think he’s just the generic face of all the racist wypipo who keep getting shown

Good lord I hope this is a final nail in his coffin, I loathe this sheet stain.

One photo of Steve Harvey and Donald Trump during their meeting

And “Tree Fitty”