What a fucking hero o_o
Free Speech is not inherently consequence free
He does it every year to every team, calm the fuck down. Also you’re a Bengals fan...I think you meant to say see you in the playoff
I probably won’t get any response but hope to have a dialogue. I’m a white male and I consider myself an ally, one who WON’T call the cops just because a black kid is wearing a hoodie in my neighborhood. I know how terrible white people can be. What would you recommend for white people who want to be true allies and…
I fully understand not trusting “white allies.” I identify as a straight white male and know that the greatest enemy ever known is white men and unchecked/unrecognized white privilege. When is the point for you personally that you can trust someone as a white ally instead of as a “white ally?” If you have that point…
I don’t know if it’s officially written down anywhere, but asking someone to disrobe beyond a bathing suit (which should be stated in the audition breakdown if it’s required for said audition) in an audition is a HUGE no-no and can get you blacklisted. Of course, a popular show or big network may think they can bend…
It’s ok snowflake. Obama didn’t appear because he knew it would be a one-sided haranguing from a sexual predator trying his hardest not to yell the n-word.
These results only shocking to dumbass white people who still think privilege doesn’t exist
The hardest thing about Harvard is getting in
What about those of us who have battery powered cordless lawn care tools?
Fuck Trent Dilfer
Hope this means a SNES Classic is next
I hate Roman Reigns. I hate how he is booked, I hate how he is given no freedom to express himself, I hate his monstrous push as a face for the past 3 years even though it has gotten him the exact opposite reaction from the fans. I hate how he is basically the poster boy for the company due to Cena leaving and the…
I disagree as well, top to tail this was a really solid Wrestlemania, easily a top 10
As a comedian, I’m all for pushing boundaries because a lot of humor comes from sad, tragic and dark places. The problem with PewDiePie’s “joke” is that there wasn’t a joke in there. What’s funny about two men in India dancing with signs that say say Death to All Jews if that’s all they’re doing? That’s basically two…
Finally, he might be off the internet for good. Never understood the appeal of this cum stain
Good! Fuck PewDiePie. Never understood why this cum stain is so popular
No, no one can
All this reaffirmed is that voters for Drumpf really are uninformed, ignorant or just plain stupid. And yes, there’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity