Mike Hunt

I hope he actually just goes away at 50 million. Another part hopes it’s just a way to get Broken Matt Hardy

Fuck Cris Collinsworth, he’s always wrong no matter what

Anyone else hoping Goff is just a freakin bust of Manziel proportions?

We are in the Upside Down

It was the friggin C squad of announcing for this game

I’m all for his protests, more power to him. I can honestly say though I’ve never seen someone look worse in an afro

I said it last year, Cam is a fraud QB and the Panthers somehow lucked into their season. Glad it’s beeing proven this year

Well yeah! Because Florida

Continuing to prove that cyclists are fucking douchebags

Jimmy Fallon fucking sucks and anyone who expected anything besides underhand lobbed softballs in this interview is an idiot

Between Bruce Miller beating up and old guy and some idiot running across the field...god damn it I hate this team so fucking much. Was there a traditional bathroom fight or stabbing last night?

Well done

Trump is a piece of shit. Hopefully the Cartel get him while he’s in Mexico.

No, his privilege comes from being a white male. Amazing that some people still don’t fucking get that. And I write this being a white male very aware of my privilege

Chrono Trigger. Forever and always

Because that’s funny

You’re an idiot

It’s amazing to me that all these Bernie “supporters” hear the man himself basically say “This is what you can do to support me,” and they respond with FUCK YOU SELL OUT!!! Assuming you’re a straight white man, a Trump presidency won’t affect you at all in any way. But if Trump does win because you don’t vote or vote

Here are my thoughts.