what does the fonz say

Her suit is still pending in NY. She hasn't lost her claims in NY, she was denied a preliminary injunction that would have allowed her to act outside her contract while the claims were still pending/hadn't been heard yet. That application was always a longshot...the courts would be reluctant to let someone act

I’m not saying that she is lying, but

if you haven’t followed the case closely, how do you know what kind of traction her claims have?

i mean saying someone is a garbage human for being an attorney that defends rapist, to me at least, reads like you dont think they should get a defense.

No, it's what up now.😱

Exactly. He was friendly and nice, set one boundary—no pictures—and she just ignored it. Astoundingly obnoxious.

Yup. I never thought I'd be #Team1D but I'm definitely on his side on this one.

Tbh this is the only way I find her at all relatable. We would all say that to Selena.

So, a fan has a nice long chat with a friendly international pop star, wants a selfie and the pop star declines because he’s sick, so the fan waits until he’s asleep and then takes a picture and posts it on social media with a gushing commentary? Wow. That is a really shitty thing to do. #thedownsideoffame

As much as I don’t like Taylor Swift, Beiber is her BFF’s douchebag ex, so Beiber, why don’t you just fucking stay out of this one, alright?

Man, I can’t wait for you guys to get to the bottom of this!

No, she was doing her job the way other critics do their job which is why they have special screenings for the press.

“We’re sitting at home…racking our brains, and just watching our wives in this stressed-out life trying to be a great parent…so the inspiration was basically our wives.”

dear Jezebel, more movie reviews from Jane Marie please. Pay any price

I actually hate that on her. It really, really doesn’t work with her skin tone and body shape. I hate everything about it down to the shoes. And I really like Daisy Ridley.

i demand the stranger things cast be at every award show from now until the end of time and since they were not at this one i give it an F

It’s like they’ve set out to prove how dangerous an out-of-control federal government could be by nominating the most out-of-control candidate they could find. No wonder they think big government is dangerous, if this is who they envision being in charge of it.

Why didn’t he have to give that disclaimer at the end? “At 12, I wasn’t interested”okkkkkk buddy.

“Now, somebody who a lot of people don’t give credit to but is in actuality very beautiful is Paris Hilton,” Trump told Stern. “I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t

The “get me the fuck out of here” look on the babies faces is priceless.