what does the fonz say

It’s really amazing. It’s especially frustrating to consider the fact that This American Life gets constant criticism for the vocal fry that their female contributors exhibit, but IRA GLASS—who has like a textbook example of vocal fry—never gets criticized for it.

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.

They are trying to disenfranchise millions of African-Americans and Latinos. But, no biggie. Whatevs. White middle-class millennialsn want Bernie. So — we should just bow down and give them what they want.

I was with her from the start of her run because she was the only logical choice based on the titles she held and options I had. But things have changed over the last four days as I have gotten to better known the story of Hillary, how big her heart is and her accomplishments many ac compliments. I nolonger will just

It’s also amazingly hypocritical; they’re supposedly supporting democracy by... denying that Clinton received more votes. It’s maddening.

I’m sorry- are former Republicans who are disavowing their party to say they’re voting for Hillary against proper rules of progressive purity?

I’m really hoping you guys skip the snark tonight. This is not only a singular, seminal moment, but this woman is trying her level best to beat a fucking fascist. The gravity, the significance, of this night means something — to women, to people of color, to every religion and nation and more that tomorrow Donald

Ugh the word pantsuit is the worst. It’s a suit! Just called a suit! That’s what it is. Men wear suits that include pants every day of their lives and no one ever says it’s a pantsuit. Just call it a suit. /pet peeve rant

Wintour has already been consulting with her, since the campaign began. I’d say it’s going fairly well.

See Don, this is a “IT WAS JUST A JOKE” moment. It’s not inviting a foreign power to hack your political opponent.

This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:

i was referring to the parent comment, the one that started this thread. the one that actually accused hari nef of self victimization because she expressed her frustration.

lol ok, so you like to spill unrepentant transphobia but bail out when you’re called on that bullshit? i wish you could see how fucking not surprised i am. nice memes tho i guess.

they felt threatened by a trans woman with a voice and had the knee-jerk reaction to tell her that it’s not that bad and she self-victimizes and blah blah blah

It can be true that it is a better time to be trans and also still lonely and scary. As of 2013, trans women were more likely to experience domestic abuse, for example, and murders classified as hate murders were overwhelmingly of trans women of color (over 70%) They’re also more likely to experience police violence

it’s definitely re: hari nef’s tweets. and, ironically, it’s exactly the type of cis bullshit hari was speaking out against.

Although I’m not a big Kanye fan, he seems to genuinely love his wife. I’m rooting for those two crazy kids.

West shared a sweet line about his wife’s favorite body part, which may surprise you. “My favorite body part of Kim’s: heart,” he admitted.

Facebook memories highlighted this quote of Kanye's that apparently I posted years ago, which makes me want to take the day off from criticizing Kanye: