
This is why I don’t understand the disputes and mini-feuds between Vice and Gawker—they are two orgnanizations with almost completely different products, with only a single medium (online written content) in common. I mean, Vice sends reporters to legitimately dangerous places, and those reporters clearly put it all

Yes- in contrast, Jay is against forcible penetration.

If true, this would be the first thing he’s done since college that didn’t injure him for 6-30 months.

First Kane, now Rose.

And Derrick Rose would love it if he could watch.

“Let’s show that our Latin race is to be respected”

70 Large and he’s only behind two months?!

Horror dubstep is the way of the future :/

Hmm a Jezebel post trying to make a racist issue over nothing and claiming white woman can’t even look at something from another culture for appreciation. Oh look it’s Kara Brown. Is there a way to just block a particular authors posts cause my eyes are getting really tired of rolling over here. Guess I need to stop

It’s a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, basically. I was totally believing of Link when he had his mic drop moment after quitting and could easily believe a lot of CLG’s problems were because of Doublelift. Here’s to hoping that his head doesn’t get so inflated that he blows it at Worlds. I’m wondering how

It seems the argument over cultural appropriation has hit peak eye roll. First, it’s not a good thing to wear cornrows when white because you are calling the style something different (chic braids according to some magazines), taking away it’s identity, ignoring the people who started it, and engaging in cultural

“Unless it’s pervy men.” Really? You do understand what the role of a Cheerleader is, or are you that obtuse? Let me guess, you think it just to get the fans going and to root for the home team? Oh, that and the dancing. Sad. I guess those body enhancing skin tight uni’s and sexual moves and posses are only be noticed

I’m usually team Nicki, but this is a huge misstep. She should know better. This is no different than what Tyler the Creator did to that Australian woman.

Even she knows she’s acting inappropriately.

Random person. I’m not a fan of your hair.

Don’t understand how this is cool but furries are creepy.

If celebrities were Pokemon, Taylor Swift would be the greatest trainer in the entire world. Gotta catch ‘em all!

I actaully love this band but totally agree with your point. Cooincidentally I will be seeing them tomorrow at the FYF festival.

Not to excuse or downplay sexism in Tech or Finance, but these are the kinds of stories I really, REALLY would like to see more of in women’s spaces and for feminists to grapple with. I get that its hard being a woman making $100k a year in a job where a man makes $129k, and that it really sucks when some bros want to