
how is there no picture of this yet

You know that using the term “basic” in 2015 is like being the very epitome of the thing you’re trying to critque?


She may be an asshole, but to call her a bigot completely evacuates the word of any meaning. (Though this is Gawker, where sensitive, cultured, totally-not-bigots delight in berating Christians at any opportunity.)

everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist everyone is racist

It is in no fucking way, shape, or form “racist” for someone to want to raise a baby of their own race. But anything to fuel the Gawker commentator outrage orgy!

just ignore the Asian guy and the black woman, we’re here to make fun of white people!

Taylor’s white everybody! We hate her because she’s white and lame and white! She tries too hard, which Rihanna totally doesn’t do at all! And plus she’s white!

Oh so you listened to OnA, you racist sexist homophobic transphobe?

First of all, there were only 12 episodes (which is a crime in itself), not hundreds.

Would it be too much to find a picture of the graffiti?

She’s obviously an idiot, but it’s also idiotic to say she’s the “one in power” in this situation. She’s in jail. That’s obviously the terms of the dumb comparison.

yeah fucking white people, am i right

Put another way, look at this weird Breitbart post -… - some dumb kid wrote a tweet about how the killed cop in Texas maybe “deserved it” or something (so stupid!) But then quickly deleted it-does she deserve a lifetime of scorn for being an idiot 19 year old?

This is the website that routinely posts the racist/homophobic/whatever tweets of teenagers, leading the commentators to contact their schools/jobs in attempt to ruin their lives. But this guy gets a pass for some reason?

fucking Taylor, I mean, where does she get off being so blonde and white

Yes, in a conversation involving Kanye West, Taylor’s ego is what we should really be focusing on checking.

oh wow so you want her to be your sex maid

What did Savannah ever do?

It depends on your local market.