
It’s almost as if the entity that doesn’t produce legitimate journalism has a bit of a hard-on for the entity that does.

When did it become a thing that white people weren’t allowed to wear dreadlocks? Like 3-4 months ago?

Jezebel’s white readers love it when their non-white writers call other non-white people “Uncle Tom.”

Invert the attitudes here, and you have Jezebel’s equally ridiculous stance on the respective murders of police and black people.

Have you actually ever visited the comment section of Jezebel dot com? Here, Dylann Roof is representative of all white people and Darren Wilson is representative of all police officers.

There’s nothing that white people love more than watching a non-white person call another non-white person an “Uncle Tom”

There’s a difference between Allen/Polanski and Jackson, and that difference often guides Jezebel’s evaluations of celebrity.

It sounds like you should put more value in how you’re actually treated, and less value in what attitudes the person professes to claim. What’s better, a man who doesn’t consider himself a feminist but treats you well, or a self-proclaimed feminist who treats you like shit?

It’s often said that “addiction” sets in when the behavior starts to manifest real consequences. Is your drinking adversely affecting your life?

Thanks for the confirmation of my suspicions. I needed to hear it.

This guy knows exactly what he’s doing AND how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

The bible does permit divorce, though. So that’s not actually hypocritical.

lol you caught feelings

I bet you’re making this up, because it’s what you’d prefer to believe would happen.

some people say “pansexual”

When famous women are friends we’re supposed to be annoyed and call them “try hards,” right?

a truly daring move, declaring your anti-Trump platform on jezebel dot com

He continued, “If he does this to me, that I’m a U.S. citizen, what can happen with the other undocumented immigrants living here in the U.S. that haven’t had my luck?”

I’m glad the trailer for this horror game showcases what literally may be the least-horrific music ever recorded.

woah you sound like a real badass we should hang out