
Glad I’m not the only one that noticed.

Hot dayum that teal though.

You can buy Joy-cons individually, but I don’t think they have every color available as a half-set.

They did? Huh... TIL

The only reason this exists is to squash the hardware vulnerability that lets people hack the shit out of it.

As a fat GTI driver, my only worry is for my poor side bolsters. :(

Colors = cool

Well my right Joy-Con doesn’t do it.

Launch Switch owner here, I had my left Joy-Con fixed for free under warranty and it still drifts, but only in docked mode.

But how else could Ethan and Kotaku justify a whole article about it?

Is it me, or do electric motorcycles make perfect sense?

Form factor doesn’t matter, either.  USB drives, SD, microSD, they all have counterfeits in there.  Do your research first.

Form factor doesn’t matter, either.  USB drives, SD, microSD, they all have counterfeits in there.  Do your research

Don’t forget that the market for those types of cars is bigger in Europe, home court for zee Germans. That those cars do reasonably well in the U.S. is a bonus, not the reason they stay in production. The story is different for Mazda.

More like, no, we don’t want to spend the R&D on developing reliable performance, and we’re afraid of going broke from warranty claims.

Pikasupra, or Pikachupra?

Why does it have my birthday on it? Do I blame Zuckerberg, Cook, Bezos, or Pichai?

Inb4 the writers chime in to say it’s not their fault.

Interesting points.  I’m not sure I totally agree, but I understand where you’re coming from.

I have to make an account to see the results.  Yeah, I don’t need to see them that badly.

This is a good take.  No, this is a great take.