
I’ve been considering switching to Linux since Windows 11 launched, and the announcement of this dumbass ‘feature’ convinced me to start actively researching how to switch as smoothly as possible. I don’t think this backpedaling will change my mind.

Seriously, I can’t believe loneliness was half the article’s focus. I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything more from this garbage web site.

SEO crap and AI written gobbledygook make Google a ton of money by way of being the first results for every imaginable search. Either they will do nothing, or do so little that it won’t affect their precious bottom line.

Yeah I mean, it’s hot garbage. Recycled plastic could’ve been made into so many better things.

Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth.

Pull his license and throw him in prison, like that idiot that jumped out of his plane for the lulz.

And half of those comments framed their word vomit as ‘criticism.’ Double standards are hilarious.

They’re also some of the dumbest stereotypes. Who doesn’t like watermelon and fried chicken??

People who scoff at the notion that both parties serve their own interests always make me laugh.

I’ll take your troll bait.

It’s cute that you think ethics play any part in their business just because they’re a, “Non-profit.”

The fact that the app is constantly scanning for other iPhones nearby and actively looking for connections with contacts sounds like an exploit waiting to happen.  Not to mention that it’s going to snoop through your pictures and music.  Remember when Apple wanted to do that themselves?

The controls, M&KB or controller, are atrocious.

How about the wealthiest companies on earth just eat the god damn cost and provide a live-saving service because they can.  They already control our lives and make hundreds of billions in revenue each year. What more could they want?  Stupid question, I know.  My point stands.

If YouTube actually cared and served normal ads for beauty products, food, and household cleaning products, I don’t think a lot of people would care as much. I certainly wouldn’t.

“They’re giving <noun>.”

I had the same thoughts. The cows are already being turned into meat, might as well use even more of the cow to make things. This move is just to tick a check box, just like skimping out on wall chargers.

No, but they do provide reliable sources of revenue.

It doesn’t really matter what it actually means, as long as it can’t be argued as wrongful termination in court.

On Gizmodo: a multitude of articles warning of the misuse of AI in it’s current forms, as well as the dangers to jobs in many vital sectors of the economy.