I tried Monster once, and it made me barf. I like Red Bull, though I had to acquire the taste of it.
I tried Monster once, and it made me barf. I like Red Bull, though I had to acquire the taste of it.
You and I are a lot alike. Thanks for sharing your story, and I’m so sorry for your loss.
Can confirm. Multi-hour long drives were a reliable way for me to clear my head when nasty thoughts used to creep in. No hooning, just introspective cruising. Maybe music, maybe just windows down and engine noise.
Tangentially related question: I’m going to my first (ever, I know, bad Jalop) race, the IMSA Northeast Grand Prix at Lime Rock in July. Any spectator veteran tips for me?
Building plastic model kits was my childhood hobby. I wish I had time for that now.
BMW, hire this man as a consultant to reign in your stupid designers, now!
Yup, Westbrook has the right answer.
Long Island. Utility companies stopped giving a crap about fixing the roads after they tore them up a long time ago.
In theory, it makes sense. We collectively pay for public roads, and the more you use them, the more fuel you need, so the more you contribute to road repair.
Also spending money on adequate repairs after digging up roads for unrelated construction. Post-construction repair has been reduced to throwing some lukewarm asphalt on it, letting the cars flatten the pile, and going home.
If you still have some sick days left at the end of the year, fake it. Call in sick.
Not only that, but this complete lie will endanger the safety of Tesla owners, as well as other drivers sharing the roads with those Teslas. Consider how many people trust Elon Musk and take what he says at face value, coupled with the fact that few average consumers know how electric cars work (let alone ICE-powered…
It takes 8 minutes to push the car a quarter mile. Stupid apex seals ruin everything.
Am I the only one that doesn’t hate the CLA, especially in AMG flavor?
As someone who has a reasonably strong stomach, but gets carsick once in awhile, being in a moving vehicle while wearing a VR HMD that is simulating movement will make me barf up everything I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. Guaranteed.
At this point, it’s safe to assume some kind of work is done to every photo we see.
Dark Sky. One-time purchase of $3, no ads. Thank me later.
Overall, I didn’t like TLJ, but it did a few things right. I loved Rogue One, it’s by far the best Disney Star Wars movie. As for Solo, I also liked it. Donald Glover stole the show, and the Kessel Run was some good flying action. I’m glad I ignored my gut and went to see it in the theater. The only thing I truly…
1. The Force Awakens