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Ummmmmmm... No mention of this in the review which surprises me. Can we talk about Kara not just killing White Martians, but doing it very casually? They were the bad guys, yes. They’ve committed genocide, yes. But it’s still very, very weird to see Supergirl kill without giving it a second thought.

Gosh, I think this reaction/backlash is badly misguided. (For context, I’m from Las Vegas and have several acquaintances who were at the concert; one was shot in the arm, but he’s recovering fairly well.)

Tourism is the lifeblood of Las Vegas. Without that, we’d be a dried-up ghost town like Rhyolite, or Virginia City,

I haven’t finished Season 1, yet, and have no idea what you are talking about, but maybe the constant machine gun fire at Quantico has driven him mad. Has anyone else notice that every time there is a cut scene to the Quantico exterior, it is accompanied by machine gun fire? Like 24-7 someone is out on the range

Was that giant penthouse at the beginning... the same from Arrow?

I don’t like to be argumentative and seem like I’m disagreeing with everything in the recap, but, and maybe I’m in the minority, I don’t think Robin bungled that date. I usually will watch a Better Things episode twice over the course of the week, but I couldn’t go back to that one; I did not like it.

Um, I don’t really think this was the first episode to acknowledge how fragile Phil is. I don’t remember which episode, but there was the one from the first season where her security alarm has gone off; she’d had jury duty...that one. Sam keeps begging her to clean up some of the piles of stuff in her house, and Phil

Joe continues to be Tony Vlachos Part II...I hated the first one, and I don’t like this ass-clown any better.

No stray observation about the 90s cartoon theme as Eclipse’s ringtone? I thought that was great.

Anyone else notice that Marcos’ ringtone was the 90s X-Men cartoon theme?

I wonder if Mary and Ted Danson have a running bet on how often they can work “Oh farts” into their scenes. Ted dropped one on The Good Place this past week.

Larry never left. Primus does have a rotating drum seat though

Primus sucks

How long til Strike Back returns?

White supremacy is defending the Second Amendment, then if a black man gets shot, asking if he had a gun in the car.

The Unit, is the gold standard for these shows, Six included. That show actually had multiple layers to it. I watched, The Brave it was okay but not up to, Unit standard.

(1) Unless The Brave is doing something really weird, there’s no reason for D.I.A. to be in quotation marks: the Defense Intelligence Agency is a perfectly real organization, part of the 17-headed hydra of the US intelligence apparatus.

I’ll be taking a knee on these.

The Avocado is something I wouldn’t recommend for everyone here.

I love the flag so much... It would be impossible for another person to love the flag as much as I love the flag. I LOVE THE FLAG SO FUCKING MUCH! I just want to take it out to dinner. Stare into it’s twinkling eyes over a bottle of pinot noir and some... Oh, I don’t care what we eat. The flag and I will walk