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Joe was one of my biggest joys in the later series/seasons of Misfits, he’s an awesome actor and makes shows better by being a part of them!

I continue to love the soundtrack, and they way they gave the Sweetwater theme as well as the Paint It Black cover from S1 the Japanese instrument treatment. Very nice touch.

Uhh hmmm... Kevin Smith and/or his doctor is confused, because cannabis does NOT slow your pulse. It absolutely increases it, usually around 10-15 bpm for THC tolerant people, much more for less-habitual users. That’s not to say there aren’t other cardio-protective effects (concerning vasodilation and complicated

I have no idea how people find our little movies, but it never gets old seeing comments about them on websites I’ve been reading for so many years. THANK YOU!

Hogarth was diagnosed with American Sign Language? Lou Ferigno’s Disease?

INSEEM? I know you had to crank out these reviews ridiculously fast (so they can disappear from the main page as quickly as possible), but you could at least run spellcheck.

Or that Midnight is voiced by the original The Tick.

No mention of Walter’s “I know that sound?” Between that and his ass-kicking skills, it’s pretty obvious that he’s had previous run-ins with The Terror. Whether that means he’s a former AEGIS agent or superhero, not sure. But it’s significant, and I love it. I like Walter.

How great was that gag where the Terror’s escape pod was shaped like a lower-case “t?” That feels like a bit straight out of the ‘90s cartoon.


Everything is connected - Mick, Hailey, Blue and his family, Merry, Smoothie and even the evil Santa. They all just go around each other in circles. Or more like down their respective spirals that about to crash them all together in the end.

My boring 04 Frontier made the list. My less boring 04 BMW did not. Not having a car note in over a decade was very fun.

That actor will always be Lee Harvey Oswald to me, so all I could see was Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Cuba pamphlets in that scene on the courthouse steps.

Dude, nice catch

My god is she great in The Expanse. I hope that we see more of her after this episode and I suspect we will. You don’t cast Shohreh Aghdashloo for a cameo scene. This is already way nuanced in one episode than I could hope for, and I hope given Bernthal’s performance that it continues.

i teared up twice THIS EPISODE: first when Max breaks down and tells Sam that she’s the best mom ever, then again at the end of the dance number when they’re all applauding themselves. what a truly lovely way to end this season.

Great, I’ll do that. Thanks Al Franken!

This is purely anecdotal, but I’m from Alabama and I’m seeing a lot more yard signs for Doug Jones than I am for Roy Moore. There are actually a fair number of liberals down here in the belly of the beast, playing this Democrat game on hard mode. Moore may still win, because this world is a black pit of despair and

I thought Duke seeing and speaking about the ghosts might be indicative of her possibly having some sort of mental illness of her own since we also learned this episode that there’s a family history.

Would be an interesting twist. I also started to suspect Christine or Mi Cha since it seemed unlikely. It could still be the first secretary that was fired all the way in the beginning of season 1. Or maybe they bring back Bill Murray for a surprise. One thing that stood out to me was when Gamby is telling his family