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I wonder if William Gibson watched this and had the same thought that I did, that the Tess character was reminiscent of Cayce Pollard in Gibson's Pattern Recognition.?

The Cadillac also had AZ tags.

I was already getting some PKD vibes as Elliiot was talking about the nature of reality, so I like your idea that this is a Blade Runner prequel.


Add my voice to those who are glad to see Z Nation reviews. I'm having a hard time figuring out which shows AVClub is going to cover (more than once, anyway), though, there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern to it.

There is overlap.

I guess I'm the only one who was disappointed with this episode. All the characters seemed like caricatures of their previous incarnations to me.

Schrödinger's sex slaves?

I didn't recognize him either. I knew there was something significant about the encounter, but I was unclear about what specifically. It was a completely different context than we've ever seen him in before, he's always been with another family member. And we got no preparation; with the wife, we saw her go apply for

I didn't watch anything but the premier when it was on, but I am watching now, 2-3 episodes left. Seeing Michael Cristofer playing a conniving 1%er has the association fresh in my mind

Rubicon reference?

Comcast streaming lists them as:

Flea's best role (my favorite, anyway) was probably in Penelope Spheeris' Dudes

The scene in the park when Knowles was waiting to make the handoff had a group of people walking 4 abreast, droog-style.

I just wrote something very similar, not having seen your comment. Glad to find I'm not the only one thinking along these lines.

If you hated the comic, I'd actually say give the show a try. I've never read the comic, and I love the show. The overwhelming majority of negative comments I've seen about it are from people who read the comic and don't think the show is getting to the material from the comic quickly enough (the show at this point is

The lack of a review for the most recent episode would seem to answer that question, unfortunately.

And now I'm trying to figure out why someone would have downvoted the post I'm replying to.

I haven't read the comics, don't know exactly where the Cowboy portion of the story is going, but I don't care that I don't know yet. I like what's been presented so far, and I like the way it's been presented, and look forward to watching more.

I'm trying to figure out if Natalie Martinez recently appeared in an uncredited, non-speaking role on the Jim Gaffigan show. The new episode w/ Zachary Quinto as a prosecutor, she's playing his assistant. If anyone else has watched it, let me know what you think.