FM Last

After the Brotherhood and the Cartel converge on Proctor, they take each other out, leaving Proctor for Hood to finish.

Bleeding Head Good! Healed Head Bad!

After Chuck referred to their Dad as such an honest, good person, I couldn't help but think that, too. And Chuck either never knew, or knew and refused to accept it, preferring to believe the worst about Jimmy instead.

I was late to get on board the "Justified" bandwagon, but I'm watching it now on Amazon. While I don't think it entirely lives up to all the hype, it's certainly above average, and consistently so.

I'm not 100% convinced that Jimmy stole the $14k, despite Chuck believing/saying that's what happened.

Noice! Smort.

It's cricket season.

The two titles i usually use to introduce people to PKD are Time Out Of Joint and Eye In The Sky, I didn't see anyone else suggest those. Enjoy!

Adding my voice to the others requesting regular coverage of this show…

I'm pretty sure that's the end of Christina.

I was trying to come up w/ a good Rule 34 joke but you beat me to it.

I don't think Jay was going through withdrawal, he hasn't developed an addiction yet. While I have no personal experience with heroin, I'm pretty sure the nausea is normal, especially for an inexperienced user.

"it’s not hard to perceive a queasy racial element to the scene that plays on stereotypes of submissive women in Japanese culture. "

"He's definitely in from another show here."

He knows they stoned an outsider who maybe saw the trailer they were inside, and he knows something big is being planned. Even he could figure something was up.

He's got the Tank Abbott look going now.

The development of L-dopa was decades away in our timeline. How much more quickly might that research have advanced if the Hitler ordered that all available resources be applied in that direction?

I cannot blame you for being disappointed. I promise to do better next time.

My first opportunity for firsties and I can't think of a single topical comment.