FM Last

It might have been too self-serving/obvious, but with series music by Mark Mothersbaugh. "Whip It" would have been fun to hear in that scene.

And she had more cleavage on display in this episode in that last outfit she was wearing. Not that I notice such things, of course.

Watson actually beat Sherlock to the realization about the location of the college being the important clue linking the F.R. exec to the cold case. Either she's narrowing the gap, or Morland's presence really is a significant distraction to Sherlock and he's off his game.

You gotta admit, she does have nice collarbones.

Flash season finale idea: Barry travels time and universes and crosses over into the 1990 Flash series, where his father was the Flash. They fill the time slot between seasons re-running those old episodes.


Well, off the top of my head, I can think of little to criticize about this episode. I'm addicted to this show!

Deanna Vs Evil (Walking) Dead

If Spencer hadn't been willing to let bygones be bygones, he could very well have been voted out, as he probably wouldn't have been willing to go for that walk with Kass and might not have found out he was being targeted until too late.

You don't watch Mr. Robot then, I take it?

The Subgenius movie "Arise" had a notice at the end to flip the tape to play side 2.

Depth perception.

Episode title anagram-of-the-week: "Swell hip tat"

But do you know the difference between brown-nosing and ass-kissing?

While it is most likely lazy writing, there is some possibility that Corbin the Younger has some secrets of his own. His backstory of having received medical training in the Marines that he then parlayed into a job as an EMT is bogus, the Marine Corps doesn't have medics of its own, that function is handled by Navy

I'm not familiar with that reference, what I was reminded of was Sam Lowry's office from "Brazil". That Stockard Channing is coming to look more and more like Katherine Helmond's character from that movie just reinforced the association in my mind.

I guess the armory must be full of French assault rifles. Never fired, only dropped once.

It's also an anagram for "Moreton Bay," in Australia, fwiw.

"Bone may rot" is also an anagram for "Toro Mbayen," a village in Gambia, which is in sub-Saharan Africa.

That actually had me laughing out loud.